18 ans à aider les entreprises belges
à choisir le meilleur logiciel

Description de Lightspeed Retail

Assurez la pérennité de votre entreprise avec Lightspeed EPOS qui inclut des fonctionnalités telles que l'analytique, la fidélisation omnicanale et une solution d'e-commerce avancée. Augmentez les visites répétées et la satisfaction des clients grâce à des outils qui rendent chaque achat mémorable. Ajoutez des données importantes, des préférences de marque et d'autres informations à vos profils clients. Optimisez vos recouvrements avec la gestion intelligente des stocks de Lightspeed.

Qui utilise Lightspeed Retail ?

Les fonctionnalités de Lightspeed sont alignées sur les priorités des commerces de détail et des restaurateurs. Il simplifie les tâches quotidiennes et vous permet de vous concentrer sur l'essentiel : la croissance de l'entreprise et l'expérience client.

Où peut-on déployer Lightspeed Retail ?

Basé sur le cloud
Sur site

À propos de l'éditeur

  • Lightspeed
  • Situé à Montreal, Canada
  • Fondé en 2012

Assistance Lightspeed Retail

  • Support téléphonique
  • Support 24/7 (réponse directe)
  • Chat

Pays disponibles

Allemagne, Australie, Belgique, Canada, France et 4 autres


allemand, anglais, français, néerlandais

Lightspeed Retail - prix

À partir de:

109,00 €/mois
  • Oui, essai gratuit disponible
  • Non, pas de version gratuite

Lightspeed Retail n'est pas disponible en version gratuite mais propose un essai gratuit. La version payante de Lightspeed Retail est disponible à partir de 109,00 €/mois.

Plans de tarification obtenez un essai gratuit

À propos de l'éditeur

  • Lightspeed
  • Situé à Montreal, Canada
  • Fondé en 2012

Assistance Lightspeed Retail

  • Support téléphonique
  • Support 24/7 (réponse directe)
  • Chat

Pays disponibles

Allemagne, Australie, Belgique, Canada, France et 4 autres


allemand, anglais, français, néerlandais

Lightspeed Retail en vidéos et en images

Lightspeed Retail Logiciel - 1
Lightspeed Retail Logiciel - 2
Lightspeed Retail Logiciel - 3
Lightspeed Retail Logiciel - 4
Lightspeed Retail Logiciel - 5
En voir 6 de plus
Vidéo de Lightspeed Retail
Lightspeed Retail Logiciel - 1
Lightspeed Retail Logiciel - 2
Lightspeed Retail Logiciel - 3
Lightspeed Retail Logiciel - 4
Lightspeed Retail Logiciel - 5

Fonctionnalités - Lightspeed Retail

  • API
  • Accès et contrôle à distance
  • Accès mobile
  • Automatisation des commandes
  • Automatisation du marketing
  • Barcode/Ticket Scanning
  • Base de données de clients
  • CRM
  • Carte de fidélité
  • Catalog Management
  • Codes-barres et RFID
  • Comptabilité
  • Comptes clients
  • Facturation
  • For Bakeries
  • For Small Businesses
  • Gestion SEO
  • Gestion de contenu
  • Gestion de l'e-commerce
  • Gestion de site web
  • Gestion des bons de commande
  • Gestion des canaux
  • Gestion des cartes cadeaux
  • Gestion des clients
  • Gestion des commandes
  • Gestion des employés
  • Gestion des fournisseurs
  • Gestion des prix
  • Gestion des produits
  • Gestion des promotions
  • Gestion des remises
  • Gestion des renouvellements de commande
  • Gestion des retours
  • Gestion des stocks
  • Gestion des stocks de la vente au détail
  • Historique des transactions
  • Intégration comptable
  • Marketing multicanal
  • Optimisation des stocks
  • Paiements électroniques
  • Panier d'achat
  • Personnalisation
  • Point de vente (PDV)
  • Prise en charge de plusieurs magasins
  • Rapports de ventes
  • Rapports et analyses
  • Rapports et statistiques
  • Reconnaissance de code-barres
  • Sales Order Management
  • Stratégie de marque personnalisable
  • Suivi de l'inventaire
  • Suivi des coûts
  • Suivi des numéros de série
  • Suivi des retours
  • Suivi des réparations
  • Synchronisation de données
  • Third-Party Integrations
  • Traitement des cartes de crédit
  • Traitement des paiements
  • e-mail marketing
  • Écran tactile

Lightspeed Retail - Alternatives

Toast est un système de gestion de points de vente et de restaurants tout-en-un conçu pour améliorer l'efficacité et réduire considérablement les coûts.
Ensemble Open Source d'applications commerciales intégrées pour CRM (gestion des relations client), points de vente, sites web, e-commerces, vente, comptabilité, entrepôt, RH, projet et marketing. En savoir plus sur Odoo
Shopify Plus simplifie l'e-commerce en fournissant des logiciels de commerce multicanaux à forte croissance et à volume élevé.
Solution web qui fournit un point de vente avec des fonctionnalités de contrôle d'inventaires, de gestion de commerce de détail, de reporting, de base de données client, etc.
Microsoft Project est un outil simple et performant conçu pour gérer de petits projets ou des programmes complexes.
Automated Online Banking télécharge les transactions depuis votre banque ou votre carte de crédit directement dans votre entreprise QuickBooks Online. En savoir plus sur QuickBooks Online
Aloha EPOS est un système de gestion de restaurant fiable et facile à utiliser, idéal pour les bars, les hôtels et les groupes de restaurants.
Point de vente cloud sur iPad avec vitrine web et mobile intégrée permettant des achats en ligne au consommateur final.
Le leader des logiciels de comptabilité pour les petites entreprises. Accès instantané aux informations sur les clients, les fournisseurs et les employés.

Avis sur Lightspeed Retail

Note moyenne

Note globale
Facilité d'utilisation
Service client
Rapport qualité-prix

Avis classés par taille de l'entreprise (nombre d'employés)

  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1 000
  • >1 001

Trouver les avis classés par note

Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié
Articles de sport, 2–10 employés
Temps d'utilisation du produit: plus d'un an
Provenance de l'utilisateur

Access to information at your fingertips

5,0 il y a 3 ans
Sous-titres en français disponibles pour la vidéo
Ceo (Belgique)
Vente au détail, 2–10 employés
Temps d'utilisation du produit: 1 à 5 mois
Provenance de l'utilisateur

Je éviter en Belgique! Ne peuvent rapporter la TVA malgré qu’ils nous aient convaincus du contraire. Refusent maintenant de rembourser

1,0 il y a 10 mois

Commentaires: Un cauchemard! Ils m’ont promis de me rembourser mais j’attend toujours


Aucun. Lightspeed ne peut être utilisé en Belgique pour du b-to-be


Ce sont des voleurs qui vous vendent du rêve et quand vous devez implémenter le logiciel….il n’y a plus rien. SAV inexistant.

Réponse de l'équipe de Lightspeed

il y a 10 mois

Hi Christoper, We would like to sincerely apologize for your recent experience with Lightspeed. It is our utmost priority to provide a product and service that allows our customers to focus on running their businesses with ease. We value our customers’ feedback, and would like to learn more about your specific experience, to have the opportunity to address your needs and concerns. As we are unable to identify your account within our records, please feel free to contact our Customer Success team should you wish to provide further feedback. You may reach us via email at <[email protected]>. Thank you, The Lightspeed Team

Gérante (France)
Restaurants, 11–50 employés
Temps d'utilisation du produit: plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'utilisateur

Très déçue

2,0 il y a 2 ans


Quand le logiciel fonctionne et qu'on n'a pas besoin du service support, alors il convient très bien à une utilisation classique pour un restaurant


Le service support est très mauvais : entre 30 et 45 minutes pour avoir quelqu'un au téléphone, et des informations contradictoires sont données. Impossible d'avoir le numéro direct de quelqu'un.Le service commercial est également très mauvais : j'ai dû changer de logiciel à cause de multiples problèmes techniques que Lightspeed n'a jamais été capable de me régler, et impossible d'obtenir la moindre remise sur l'abonnement annuel que j'avais déjà payé et que je n'allais donc pas utiliser.

Déplorable (Belgique)
Restaurants, 2–10 employés
Temps d'utilisation du produit: plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'utilisateur


1,0 il y a 3 ans

Commentaires: Facile mais suivi produit et assistance nulle, prix prohibitif et à la limite du chantage commercial pour certaines de leur pratique, à fuir de toutes urgences, pour le marché Belge, il existe des alternatives intéressantes.


Facile d’utilisation et rapide, c’est tout mzis il existe mieux sur le marché.


JE VOUS PRÉSENTE UN MESSAGE RESTER LETTRE MORTE POUR L’INTÉRESSÉ, PAS DE COURAGE POUR RÉPONDRE SI CE N’EST PAR COLLÈGUE INTERPOSÉ, FUYEZ PLUS QUE TOUT CETTE BOÎTE QUI N’HÉSITERA PAS UN INSTANT À AUGMENTER CES PRIX UNILATÉRALEMENT SANS JUSTIFICATION ET AVEC UN SERVIÇE D’ASSISTANCE DÉPLORABLE. AU PASSAGE, IL EXISTE DES SOLUTIONS AVEC LE MÊME SERVICE À MOITIÉ PRIX, N’HÉSITEZ PAS À ME CONTACTER POUR DE PLUS AMPLES INFORMATIONS. Bonjour Mr Kerkhove, Primo une semaine après plusieurs sollicitations de ma part en vocale et par courriel pour répondre à une question basique, vous vous appelez Lightspeed ! Votre chantage sur les augmentations de prix de vos abonnements est scandaleux et totalement injustifié. Vos tarifs sur votre terminal de payement sont déments aux vues des conditions du marché des payements par carte. Je n'espère pas de réponse de votre part avant 5 ou 6 jours ouvrable si du moins vous pouvez m'opposer un argumentaire valable. N’oubliez pas que les paroles s’envolent et que les écrits restent ! Dois-je confirmer mon désir de résilier par un autre moyen que cet échange de courrier ? C’est bien noté et la facture sera acquitté comme il se doit. Compter sur moi pour vous faire une publicité d’enfer autour de moi afin de vous faire perdre un maximum de clients. Je m'y attèlerai dès demain en allant voir vos partenaires de la place Fernand Cocq, votre concurrence a gagné un représentant commercial gratuit.

Réponse de l'équipe de Lightspeed

il y a 3 ans

Hi Olivier, Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry to hear that you were less than satisfied with your recent experience with Lightspeed. It is our utmost priority to provide a product and service that allows our customers to focus on running their businesses with ease. Someone will be reaching out to you once more to discuss your request further and next steps. Thank you, Lightspeed Commerce

Président (Canada)
Vente au détail, 2–10 employés
Temps d'utilisation du produit: 6 à 12 mois
Provenance de l'utilisateur

Vraiment un plus Value!

4,0 il y a 5 ans

Commentaires: Ce système a vraiment simplifié mes opérations de vente au détail et ma compatbilité. Que dire de la prise d'inventaire? Un pur bonheur. Ce qui me prennait des heures à étiquetter ne me prends que quelques minutes maintenant. Je suis vraiment heureux. Comme tout n'est pas parfait, qques petits bogues d'imprimante, de disposition et de langue mais rien de majeur. C'est un logiciel qui n'a pas fait augmenté mes ventes mais m'a rendu plus efficace donc, s'est avéré rentable!


Facile à utiliser, vraiment bien pensé pour les magasins de vélo. capricieux sur les logiciels et appareils compatbiles.


Un peu trop optimisé pour les shops de vélos. Dans le cas de prise de rendez-vous, ça nous semble moins évident.

Alternatives envisagées : Alice POS

Pourquoi choisir Lightspeed Retail : Trop dispendieux et trop complexe

Pourquoi passer à Lightspeed Retail : Mieux adapté pour les shop de bikes et moins dispendieux par mois.

Propriétaire (Canada)
Restaurants, 2–10 employés
Temps d'utilisation du produit: 1 à 5 mois
Provenance de l'utilisateur

Service et suivi

1,0 il y a 3 ans

Commentaires: Tres mauvaise jusqu'à maintenant ca fait 2 mois que j'essaie de déployer le logiciel dans un simple casse croute


Personnalisation des boutons et des categories


Le service après vente est totalement absent. Diffidavoir des suivi des formations et des informations pour finaliser le déploiement du systeme.

General Manager (É.-U.)
Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié
Vente au détail, 11–50 employés
Temps d'utilisation du produit: plus d'un an
Provenance de l'utilisateur

Great integrated system

5,0 il y a 6 ans

Commentaires: Lightspeed has been great. We have been using it for over a year and it has met my expectations. Whenever I request help, which isn't that often anymore they are quick to respond.


The best feature of LIghtspeed is the analytics package. As a senior manager you can spend a lot of time calculating your performance manually in excel. But the Analytics package takes care of all of that. It's easy to see the performance of your inventory, employees and marketing at any time. There are also a lot of apps that work with Lightspeed that make it the most functional POS system I've used. The fact that the ecommerce is integrated as well makes it a great fully integrated system. You could pay a lot more to piece together all the of the systems you need. Or you could spend a huge amount of money creating a custom system.


There are some small idiosyncrasies like not adjusting sync times for your local time zone. So, yesterday is never accurate you have to wait for the next days sync to get have accurate information. I would also like to be able to have our time management app sync employee time to Lightspeed so we don't have to enter it manually. I've given up on tracking employee hourly performance for this reason. Or if they offered a better time clock management natively that would help. I'd also like them to include the previous year comparisons in their dashboard. And, I'd like to look at seasonal performance rather than just month to month and week to week.

Alternatives envisagées : Clover et Shopify POS

Pourquoi choisir Lightspeed Retail : I wanted a cloud based integrated system

Logiciel antérieur : Clover et Shopify POS

Pourquoi passer à Lightspeed Retail : I looked at a couple of others too that I can't remember. A lot of them had great features, but none of them had all of the features to have a fully integrated system for our customers to shop online or in person. And, none of them had the analytics tools that Lightspeed has.

Manager (É.-U.)
Articles de sport, 2–10 employés
Temps d'utilisation du produit: 6 à 12 mois
Provenance de l'utilisateur

Lightspeed for Small Business

5,0 l’année dernière

Commentaires: Our overall experience has been very good - I have much more control over inventory, discounts, more robust reporting, and human error estimated.


Inventory, POS, Reports, and discount features are all easy to configure and use.


When completing an End of Year inventory count, you must submit the entire count before seeing the total cost of products counted.

Réponse de l'équipe de Lightspeed

il y a 12 mois

Hi Railan, Thank you for sharing your experience! We're glad to hear that Lightspeed has provided you with easy-to-use features for inventory, POS, reports, and discounts. The Lightspeed Team

CEO (Australie)
Hôtellerie, 11–50 employés
Temps d'utilisation du produit: plus d'un an
Provenance de l'utilisateur
Source : SoftwareAdvice

Customer Review

2,0 il y a 5 mois

Commentaires: Overall I have spend way more time on the help desk waiting the 24-48 hours for technical support and I have had to invest more money and time into additional products I didnt expect. Overall the experience has been a mixed bag, but the latest integrations issues has left a really bad taste in my mouth.


The fact it could do the basics well. i.e. take payment of an order.


The integration issues, added costs of including so many additional applications and the delayed payment over the weekend, where lightspeed invoices did not match bank account inputs due to when the eftpos fee is attributed. This adds a lot of manual effort when reconciling.

Store Manager (É.-U.)
Vente au détail, 51–200 employés
Temps d'utilisation du produit: 6 à 12 mois
Provenance de l'utilisateur

Thank you Lightspeed

5,0 il y a 2 mois

Commentaires: Super simple and easy for my consumers transactions.


the amazing POS and Inventory management offered from Lightspeed.


That we didnt start using Lightspeed earlier.

Owner (Canada)
Vente au détail, 2–10 employés
Temps d'utilisation du produit: plus d'un an
Provenance de l'utilisateur

Lightspeed Retail - User Friendly & Great Customer Service

5,0 il y a 7 mois

Commentaires: The cost is a bit high in comparison to other retail POS systems. I may have considered an alternate provider based on the cost alone, but we wanted to get our store opened right away, and Lightspeed came very highly rated.
Over and above customer service is so very important, and this alone keeps us on-line. I would recommend Lightspeed to any new user considering them.


I enjoy using Lightspeed. The features are easy to navigate, learn and train. There is a newsletter that alerts us to new features and interests. We were offered a significant start up discount for the first year, and the terminal was free. Once we set up the system, it has been clear sailing. Any time we have had a question, on-line customer service has been wonderful! We have never not had an issue unresolved. Lightspeed offers capital advances after a certain period of time, based on sales. This could be useful to help with additional expenses as they come along.


I do not love the monthly fees now that our yearly discounted rate has come to an end. That is really the only thing I dislike about the entire system. I do wish that Lightspeed would partner up with Faire, the wholesale platform we often use, to integrate the inventory and invoicing.

Alternatives envisagées : Square Point of Sale

Owner (Canada)
Vente au détail, 2–10 employés
Temps d'utilisation du produit: plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'utilisateur
Source : SoftwareAdvice

Worst pos system

2,0 l’année dernière

Commentaires: Not recommended, and I will cancel subscription, also , they force to use their payment process other wise would charge you which is not fair


Help desk , they answer soon but for my case couldn’t help at all , just referred to higher level with no result


Inventory management , huge inventory deduction with no reason

Utilisateur vérifié
Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié
Vente au détail, 11–50 employés
Temps d'utilisation du produit: 1 à 5 mois
Provenance de l'utilisateur
Source : GetApp

Not compatible with existing WooCommerce / Terrible Customer Service

1,0 l’année dernière

Commentaires: A true business interruption costing us significant time and money!


It was so dumbed down that anyone could use it, sadly this also makes it vulnerable to security breaches and theft


Almost everything, from being totally mislead in the sales process, squeezed into their processing, ignored and dismissed on support tickets. Terrible service overall.

Alternatives envisagées : Square Point of Sale, Clover, KORONA POS et Hike

Pourquoi choisir Lightspeed Retail : QB POS End of life

Pourquoi passer à Lightspeed Retail : The salesman was relentless and lied to me about it's capabilities even with detail Q&A. I was mislead by their white papers and sales process only to be dropped like a hot potato and bounced from department to department with no resolution or solutions. They refuse to escalate anything to a management member.

Réponse de l'équipe de Lightspeed

l’année dernière

Hi, We would like to sincerely apologize for your recent experience with Lightspeed. It is our utmost priority to provide products and services that allow our customers to focus on running their businesses with ease. We value all feedback and would like to learn more about your specific experience, to have the opportunity to address your needs and concerns. As we are unable to identify your account within our records, please feel free to contact our Customer Success team should you wish to provide further feedback. You may reach us via email at [email protected].

Owner (É.-U.)
Vente au détail, 2–10 employés
Temps d'utilisation du produit: plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'utilisateur
Source : SoftwareAdvice

Stay away!

1,0 l’année dernière

Commentaires: Horrible! Costly! Nightmare!
Business killer! Profit Stealer!


When it was Shopkeep. It has only gotten worse with every update.


They buy out the competition and change the system to a new hybrid version every other year.

CEO (É.-U.)
Vente au détail, 11–50 employés
Temps d'utilisation du produit: plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'utilisateur

Not The Same Company It Once Was

3,0 il y a 8 mois

Commentaires: We loved Lightspeed and advocated for them in the beginning. The disappointment in their customer service and the system breakages and downtime was devastating to our business. The customer service we received when their system was crashing was the worst customers service I have experienced in any industry. They denied system crashes or feature breakages, for days before acknowledging them. We tolerated alot from them because they used to be so good! But, it started to cost us a lot of lost sales, and when they couldn't process credit cards for days, that was the end...


Good foundation. Simple to use POS with valuable connected integrations.


Customer service used to be outstanding. In a few short years, it provided some of the worst customers service I have experience in any industry. I can confidently saw even our basic employees/user understood the system better than ANY of the customer service reps from Lightspeed.

Réponse de l'équipe de Lightspeed

il y a 8 mois

Hi Sean, We would like to sincerely apologize for your recent experience with Lightspeed. We understand how crucial it is to provide timely and effective support, and we deeply regret hearing that we have fallen short of your expectations. Your feedback is invaluable to us, and we're committed to addressing these issues to improve our services moving forward. We are unfortunately unable to locate your account within our records. If you wish to discuss your concerns in more detail, we kindly ask you to contact your Account Manager for further assistance. If you require immediate technical support, please don't hesitate to reach out to our Support Team. Thank you for your time and patience. The Lightspeed Team

Sales Assistant (R.-U.)
Vente au détail, 11–50 employés
Temps d'utilisation du produit: 6 à 12 mois
Provenance de l'utilisateur

Lightspeed Retail

4,0 il y a 2 mois


User-friendly and makes it easy to manage inventory, process sales, and check stock quickly. Helps speed up transactions and reduce errors. The system’s ability to handle multiple payment methods is also a big plus.


The system can sometimes be slow, especially during busy times, which can frustrate customers. There’s also a bit of a learning curve when it comes to using some of the more advanced features.

server (Canada)
Produits alimentaires, 501–1 000 employés
Temps d'utilisation du produit: plus d'un an
Provenance de l'utilisateur

light speed review

5,0 il y a 12 mois

Commentaires: very good, easy to use, learn and very quick to take guests orders, course meals, and send to Kitchen. our restaurant menu is always changing so its easy to add and remove items


its easy to use and train other servers on, you can colour coordinate and organize items how ever you'd like with drop down tabs


nothing it worked great for us. I would recommend to anyone

Réponse de l'équipe de Lightspeed

il y a 11 mois

Hi Melana, Thank you for taking the time to share your review! We're thrilled to hear that Lightspeed has been easy to use, train others on, and customize according to your restaurant's needs. If you ever need further assistance or have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. Best, The Lightspeed Team

Owner (É.-U.)
Vente au détail, 2–10 employés
Temps d'utilisation du produit: 1 à 5 mois
Provenance de l'utilisateur
Source : SoftwareAdvice

No customer service

1,0 l’année dernière

Commentaires: Terrible. The POS X-series card reader that was delivered was faulty, wouldn’t stay charged and would give error messages when trying to process transactions. The additional equipment wasn’t comparable with our iPads. I left two voicemails asking for support with the faulty ready, never got a call back. Canceled my account and asked for a refund for the card reader and the subscription fee for the month we couldn’t process anything through them (Square stepped in and took care of us). Lightspeed never even responded. I called and spoke with a rep asking for a refund, it took a month for a response and the email was generic with no explanation for declining my request for refund. The company is not for small businesses and doesn’t care about clients.


There’s nothing I like about the company.


Customer service and support is nonexistent. Management only communicates through email (absurd). Messages and voicemails aren’t returned. Emails are automated blanket emails.

Réponse de l'équipe de Lightspeed

l’année dernière

Hi Dave, We would like to sincerely apologize for your recent experience with Lightspeed. It is our utmost priority to provide products and services that allow our customers to focus on running their businesses with ease. We value all feedback and would like to learn more about your specific experience, to have the opportunity to address your needs and concerns. As we are unable to identify your account within our records, please feel free to contact our Customer Success team should you wish to provide further feedback. You may reach us via email at [email protected]. Thank you, The Lightspeed Team

Director (Suisse)
Produits alimentaires, 2–10 employés
Temps d'utilisation du produit: plus d'un an
Provenance de l'utilisateur
Source : SoftwareAdvice

Customer support non existent

1,0 l’année dernière

Commentaires: Mediocre as it lack the attention to the customer which is the most important for developing a relationship


Poor, poor and nothing less than poor customer support. You are on your own.


Functionality of the system and the look of the product on the pos

Réponse de l'équipe de Lightspeed

l’année dernière

Hi Fabrizio, We would like to sincerely apologize for your recent experience with Lightspeed. We value our customers’ feedback, and would like to learn more about your specific experience, to have the opportunity to address your needs and concerns. As we are unable to identify your account within our records, please feel free to contact our Customer Success team should you wish to provide further feedback. You may reach us via email at <[email protected]>. Thank you, The Lightspeed Team

Owner (Australie)
Hôtellerie, 11–50 employés
Temps d'utilisation du produit: plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'utilisateur
Source : SoftwareAdvice

Appalling should not be legal

2,0 l’année dernière

Commentaires: Appalled


Used to like the use abilities of the POS but to be forced to move to their payment processing or pay the fine of almost $7000.00 per year as an ADDITIONAL charge has been a disgraceful decision from them.


The rip off decision to push existing users to use their high priced payment system.

Réponse de l'équipe de Lightspeed

l’année dernière

Hi Scott, We would like to sincerely apologize for your recent experience with Lightspeed. It is our utmost priority to provide a product and service that allows our customers to focus on running their businesses with ease. As we are unable to identify your account within our records, please feel free to contact our Customer Success team should you wish to discuss your concerns further. You may reach us via email at <[email protected]>. Thank you, Lightspeed Commerce

Owner (Canada)
Produits alimentaires, 2–10 employés
Temps d'utilisation du produit: plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'utilisateur
Source : SoftwareAdvice

Bs money grab don't use this system.

4,0 l’année dernière

Commentaires: Terrible


This was an amazing system until they showed their true colors by forcing me (and others) to pay them $400 more a month if you don't use their payment system. After comparing their prices to my current rates it is cheaper to pay them $400.


This company has no ethics. They forced their user base to switch to them to do payment processing. They said it made it easier to do it that way. Complete lie. I pull my sales from them to quick ooms them pull my banking from eleven I to quick books. At no time.e does their system need me to use their payment system but they still are foing to charge an extra $400/month if I don't move to their higher rates. One way or another they decided that they needed more of money.

Operations Specialist (Turquie)
Vente en gros, 11–50 employés
Temps d'utilisation du produit: 6 à 12 mois
Provenance de l'utilisateur

Solid system for retail

4,0 l’année dernière

Commentaires: It is capable software system can handle your small retail shop with ease. inventory management, barcoding, point of sale, price tracking, reports etc all work well. It is bit hard to reach for customer service and lots of training required.


Software is intact, does not give random errors. you can count on


it is a bit hard to settle if you have an inventory at some other software. it would be better to have more sync options.

General manager (É.-U.)
Vente au détail, 2–10 employés
Temps d'utilisation du produit: 1 à 5 mois
Provenance de l'utilisateur
Source : SoftwareAdvice

A major detriment to our stores function.

1,0 l’année dernière

Commentaires: I wish I didn't buy all the hardware because I have come to hate Lightspeed. Don't expect help getting set up and really long hold time, and useless AI chat it's more like artificial stupidity.


I'm so angry and annoyed at speed right now that I have nothing positive to say.


Lightspeed has been high maintenance and extremely picky to set up our account and completely useless in making things function on their end.

Réponse de l'équipe de Lightspeed

l’année dernière

Hi Chris, We would like to sincerely apologize for your recent experience with Lightspeed. It is our utmost priority to provide products and services that allow our customers to focus on running their businesses with ease. We value all feedback and would like to learn more about your specific experience, to have the opportunity to address your needs and concerns. As we are unable to identify your account within our records, please feel free to contact our Customer Success team should you wish to provide further feedback. You may reach us via email at [email protected].

CEO (É.-U.)
Vente en gros, 11–50 employés
Temps d'utilisation du produit: 1 à 5 mois
Provenance de l'utilisateur
Source : SoftwareAdvice

Dishonest, misrepresented and lack of response from customer service

2,0 il y a 2 ans

Commentaires: Upset we spent all of these hours to watch their onboarding videos (3 of our staff one day and 4 on another). What a waste of payroll, time and effort. Biggest conflict is they never respond to email once you get signed up.


That it would allow us to put our inventory online


They [sensitive content hidden] misrepresented the product claiming we could store our inventory in bin locations which is not true. Upon reaching out to cancel, they make it hard by ghosting our emails.

Réponse de l'équipe de Lightspeed

l’année dernière

Hi, We would like to sincerely apologize for your recent experience, and we are sorry to hear you were less than satisfied with the services received. It is our utmost priority to provide products and services that allow our customers to focus on running their businesses with ease. If ever you would like to provide more feedback, please don't hesitate to reach our Customer Success Team via email at [email protected]. Thank you, Lightspeed Commerce

Owner (Canada)
Vente au détail, 2–10 employés
Temps d'utilisation du produit: plus de deux ans
Provenance de l'utilisateur

Customizable POS solution

4,0 il y a 2 ans

Commentaires: Overall Lightspeed has been a pleasant experience. Pricing is affordable for small business. Some bug fixes, and added features are slow to come to fruition. Integrated vendor catalogues save a tonne of time.


Ease of implementation Multi location abilityPortabilityLinks to e-commerce optionAbility to use multiple terminals to access data and input sales/work orders/purchase orders etc over cloud


Lacking in some reporting function, is available at added costNew fee structure for users not interested in Lightspeed payments

Front of house Manager (R.-U.)
Hôtellerie, 51–200 employés
Temps d'utilisation du produit: plus d'un an
Provenance de l'utilisateur

User friendly

5,0 l’année dernière


Easy to learn and how integrates with Stayntouch PMS system


Nothing really